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作者:小拳王 来源:中国太极拳网 发布时间:2012-04-18 16:36:49 【字体:


       Chapter 2 Chen Style Taiji Quan    Old Frame First Routine
    老架一路特点是:以柔为主,由松人柔,柔中寓刚;行气运劲,以缠丝劲的锻炼为主,发劲为辅。初期动作力求缓徐,以揣摩行气运劲,全身内外,一动全动,使能处处保持平衡而不失其势,练成随遇平衡的技能。缠丝劲是粘化、牵动、进逼的核心,缠绕圆转,功深后能达到即化即打,依着何处便从何处击去的程度。发劲的运用,原则上是没有牵动则不发。缠丝劲的锻炼,能逐渐产生一种似柔非柔,似刚非刚,极为沉稳而又灵活善变的内劲。陈鑫曾说:  “一举动,轻重、刚柔俱发。”可以说,陈氏太极拳特点是:以缠丝劲为灵魂,以内劲为统驭。这也是太极拳推手时具有威慑力量的基本条件。
    The features of“Chen Style Taiji Quan Old Fame First Rou-tine”are mainly softness, from relaxation to softness, and hard-ness residing softness. Use Twisting Jin to deliver Qi and Jin as Primary movements, and issue Jin as secondary movements. At the beginning, try to be slow, and feel the process of the taijiquan ering of Qi and Jin. No matter inside or outside of the body,when one part moves, the other parts follow. Keep balance at any  time and do not lose power. Twisting Jin is the core of sticking,leading, and approaching. Twisting and moving in a circle give  you the skill to lead the enemy'  s power away and strike him  bac.k, or to follow his power and find a chance to strike him. In  principle, there is no leading, then there is no striking. With  Twisting Jin, you can gain the power which seems soft, but is  not soft, seems hard, but is not hard, stable and flexible to  change. Mr. Xin Chen said,"Every movement is with lightness  and heaviness, softness and hardness."In general, Chen Style  Taiji Quan uses Twisting Jin as a soul and uses internal power as  a commander. That is why it is powerful in Pushing Hands.

    (1) Stand up with feet together, body upright, eyes looking forwar, Close the mouth naturally; draw the chin in slightly.
Arms are hanging naturally. Push both elbows out slightly, palms facing in. Breathe naturally (Figure 2-1).



    (2) Continuing the last movement, sink the body slowly,bend the knees and relax the hips. Shift the weight towards the  right leg; raise the left heel and  take a half-step to the left, feet  apart at shoulders width,    toes  pointing slightly outward. Shift the  weight towards the centre, toes  gripping the ground, feet arched, body relaxed. Draw the chest in  and relax the hips. Sink the ener- gy to Dan Tian (the lower ab-
domen);    mind    lS    concentrated (Figure 2-2).

    (3) Continuing the last movement,    palms twist inward and  slowly lift to  shoulder height,shoulder -width apart. Sink the  body while the palms are moving up (Figure 2-3).
    (4) Continuing the last movement, relax shoulders and sink the elbows, bending knees while relaxing the hips. Continue to lower the body, palms following the body to fall in front of the abdomen, palms facing down, eyes looking forward (Figure 2-4).
    Head should be drawn up, chin slightly tucked in. Cave the chest slightly inward; sink the waist. Sink the elbows and shoulders. Push the coccyx slightly ( taijiquian)backwarcl. Bend the knees and relax the hips. Do not push the knees farther than the toes; keep the body upright, mincl calm and focused, body relaxed. Breathe natu rally.
    Bowing forward or leaning backward.
    Sink the waist and relax the hips at the same time. Do not  overdo the relaxing of the hips. Bending forward or leaning back would cause the waist to be inflexible. Therefore, sink the waist
 and relax the hips as if sitting on  a  stool. This applies to all movements.


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